Some essential tips for smart online shopping

By on July 5th, 2019 in Women

Online shopping is probably one of the best inventions known to man (after sliced bread, of course!). Online shopping offers us so much variety, and all at the click of a button. You don’t need us to remind you how convenient it is either, at midnight when you have missed your visit from the sandman AGAIN, or during a work break when you have to find something suitable to wear to the wedding this weekend that you forgot about! The choices are endless, from discount websites to the best sales online, there is nothing much like shopping from the comfort of your own home. Within minutes you find endless options – the variety and choice can often leave you boggled.


But the never-ending stream of different websites can also end up being a quagmire if you aren’t wary when navigating it. Especially when you are new to this experience – it is daunting typing your banking details onto a screen without knowing who can see them. There are a few things we can do to make sure online shopping offers you only the best experience. One of the top things to remember is when making use of discount websites; be sure to use a secure internet connection. How do you know if your internet connection is secure? If you are making use of free wifi in a coffee shop, for example – that is not a secure connection. Rather shop online using your own internet connection. If you have found a fantastic discount website, or one offering the best sales online, and it’s not a name you know – no harm will come to you if you do a quick google search that will help you find reviews of the shop that you are considering spending your hard-earned cash with. Too many people are caught out with fly-by night websites, and end up being scammed. Some banks do help with instances like this, but it is a long and tedious business getting your money back. So be sure before you commit. Don’t stress, there are definitely top quality discount websites out there, but just do your due diligence and stay sensible. It goes without saying that you need to choose secure passwords too. They usually consist of a variety of big and small letters, incorporated with numbers and symbols. And just to test your mettle, try not to have the same password for everything.


When you have found the best sales online, make sure that you check the returns policy before making the purchase. If the returns policy looks complicated, be absolutely sure that you will be happy with the item you have found, or else look elsewhere. Sometimes it helps to stick to brands that you know, especially in cases where you’ve found an excellent discount website but with a dodgy returns policy. Most online stores will offer a good returns policy, but don’t assume that will be the case. Another thing to check, before you get too excited at your brilliant bargain, is the cost of shipping. Most online shopping offers free delivery after you’ve purchased for a set amount, but there are a couple that offer free delivery regardless of the final cost of your purchases. Always be sure to check, so you know what you are in for.


The biggest tip there is, is to make sure that the discount website you have found is secure. How do you know? Because somewhere on your page, there will be a padlock. Be wary when you can’t see one. And if you’ve searched your page and still can’t find one.. The best way to know for sure is to look at the URL (the address line of the website), it must have an HTTPS. The S is the telling sign… if it doesn’t contain one, if it’s simply HTTP, you know it is not a secure site and you need to be very careful doing your shopping, even if it’s the website that has the best sales online. Your safety is in the security you have checked, so check it thoroughly.


It is possible to have a good experience every time you shop online by following these few tips. Once you become used to checking these little things, online shopping safely will become second nature to you. You should enjoy the convenience of shopping online from the comfort of your own home, but stay sensible and stay careful. Happy shopping!

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